Bali or Bust?
December 17th, 2007So finally the US capitulates and agrees to be part of talks in 2 years time that will look to make deep cuts in global emissions. Yet the reality, as reported here, is that not much has changed. The US still won’t budge on developing nations (read China and India) and still won’t provide any meaningful targets. It’s interesting that without Australia alongside they are looking very much alone on this issue.
Arguing over who is responsible and who must cut what is really a waste of time. It’s not an argument that can be won by either side. The simple question to be asked is whether global emission levels need to be reduced. If so then they need to be reduced through a global mechanism such as I have proposed in Climate Control where emissions will be reduced by virtue of a quota agreed at the point of extraction not use.
Otherwise we might as well stop wasting our time and focus on adapting and developing cheaper supplies of energy.
Tags: climate change, fossil fuels, global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, ipcc