Look no further: Search 2010
We are starting to see some revelatory musings on how search is going to develop going forward. This series is well worth reading for anyone who is interested in how the web is going to develop.
September 6th, 2007
We are starting to see some revelatory musings on how search is going to develop going forward. This series is well worth reading for anyone who is interested in how the web is going to develop.
September 5th, 2007
Another day, another finance company. Haven’t i written that before? Maybe but my memory is becoming blurred as groundhog day for the credit system is on a repeat cycle.
What we have now is an old fashioned run on finance companies. Clearly anyone who can read a balance sheet can see they don’t carry much cash so if you rock up asking for your money back you may be waiting for some time. Of course you should have checked that before you invested. As some argue this is a good cleaning out process which is long overdue.
Why should the RB bail them out? Well i would argue the RB is not worried about fnance companies going under but more concerned about the financial system freezing solid. So they opened their wallet and the banks were more than happy to plunder. But the poor finance companies can’t access this cash.
So here’s a story from a few years ago (verbatim from Fred Harrison’s “Boom Bust: House rices, Banking and the Depression of 2010″:
In 1794 “the City Council of Liverpool faced a complete collapse in the local banking system. On March 20, the Mayor reported that 58 merchants urged the council to secure a loan from the Bank of England to enable the City to survive “the distress which had engulfed the people”. Parliament issued a special Act which entitled Liverpool to issue negotiable notes for a limited period, to be lent at a rate of interest slightly below 4.5%. The citizens weathered the storm, thanks to what the Webbs described as “the boldest financial step recorded in the annals of English local government.
What caused this trauma? Speculation focused on the rent-yielding opportunities presented by canals”.
Oddly enough the same thing happened in 1812, 1830, 1848, 1866….and on and on.
As Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote in 1817, in his Lay Sermon booms and bust seemed to occur “at intervals of about 12 or 13 years each {as a result of} certain periodical Revolutions of Credit”.
Thanks Fred for this great piece of research. Let’s hope the central bankers read it and then weep voraciously.
September 3rd, 2007
Thanks to Kaila i’ve been considering the future of search in 2010 or more to the point the future of search itself.
It didn’t take me long to realise that search is going to replaced by receive. How annoying is that to all those businesses involved in SEO
But seriously if we are still searching in 2010 i will be surprised because by then the web should be evolving into a living and breathing system. This system will not be a library which we dip into hoping that we will find what we are looking for but will be part of us.
Simply put we will become the system.
We won’t need to search anymore as we will be the filter through which information, that we both want and may be interested in, will flow.
Search is an external process: Receive is an internal process.
Relevance technologies will be key to this evolution as will as filtering systems. Receive will be an intelligent learning system. I’m looking forward to this.
Which is the best receive engine?…..that will be the question.
August 28th, 2007
The recent financial crisis has made me think more about how important money is in our lives. Without the liquidity (cash) pumped into the system by the Federal Reserve the whole financial system could, and probably would, have siezed up.
By that i mean the flow of money would have dried up and banks would have stopped lending and peopl would have run out of money and been queueing at the banks to get cash out. Of course there isn’t any but you knew that already
It shows us two important facets of our society: one is that we depend on the financial system for our daily lives; two is that we are living on the verge of a serious breakdown. It’s a bit like trying to stay on top of the bills.
I don;t know if there are any readers who remember the Depression but they will understand what i am talking about.
I believe we are all systems within systems, whether at the atomic level, individual being or universe. Systems depend on flow and feedback in order to keep stable. We need energy through food or sunlight to survive.
The parellels of the financial crisis and oil crisis are interesting. I remember back towards the turn of the millenium when we had a mini crisis in the UK when oil deliveries were delayed . The supermarkets were within 24 hours of running out of food since they used just in time delivery. The crucial importance of energy (in the form of oil) was highlighted but more than that it showed how close to the edge we were living.
We depend on a continual flow of energy to survive. This brings me to love. Yes that old favourite. We can’t do without that either. The great thing about love is that it is free and easy to give. But as we know, when love is lacking and not flowing our system breaks down: into war, violence, depression and death. Without a flow of love nothing is worth living for. We can see the effects all around us.
Surely love is something we can never run out of
August 20th, 2007
You have to feel sorry for Kiwi investors as another finance company goes bust. Today it’s the turn of Nathans Finance to declare itself out of the game. They used to send me stuff through the mail every month. Who knows how many were seduced by the slightly higher interest rates on offer.
It may sound like i’m enjoying this but i’m not. I wrote several letters to the powers that be well over 3 years ago exhorting them to sort out the non-bank financial sector but to no avail.
Ultimately it’s a case of caveat emptor. Before you invest in anything understand the risks. I am amazed how many financial “advisors” have put their clients into these flaky companies. I use the term advisor loosely here. I seriously doubt whether many of them actually understand how the products they sell actually work and how to stress test them.
If you want higher yields then invest in a decent fund that buys the whole spectrum of bonds and therefore diversifies the risk. A couple of decent Kiwi funds are Fisher Funds and of course the self styled people’s champion, Gareth Morgan.
Check the fees and check what you are getting. Don’t listen too much to the experts. Learn about it yourself. There really is no free lunch out there except at the City Mission and if you’re down there the chances are you’ve blown your dough already.
It’s your money and your responsibility.
August 19th, 2007
So the Fed yielded to pressure and cut the discount rate. Come borrow more they say….so much for a prudent approach to banking. But really they have no choice. They will just keep flooding the market with dollars for as long as it takes.
The market rallied as expected but it’s hardly a vote of confidence in the system. There will be an expectation of a cut in the funds rate at some point if credit woes continue. The problem is that the last few weeks have been so volatile that for many the opportunity to liquidate positions has not been possible.
Flight to quality has seen the $ rally except for that old favourite $Yen which has taken a pounding.
Who would want to own $? This flight to quality argument alway amuses me given the world is awash with $ and $ assets.
The volatility in the fx markets has been extreme reminding me of the Stg ERM debacle. It just shows that the leverage in the market creates an instability in the system which causes wild swings. The range mileage in KiwiYen on Friday was the biggest i;ve ever seen in any currency pair…22 big figures in 24 hrs….thats 27.5% in absolute terms of up and down movements.
You would need Kevlar pants to trade that pair. I’ve been trading small amounts but cannot imagine much volume getting through at any reasonable spread.
This is market dislocation. The Fed can cut rates all they want but it wont help people who are under water whether owners of houses on 100% mortgages or funds with boatloads of credit on their books.
Another wild week beckons so expect more central bank ministrations.
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