Posts Tagged ‘investing’

September 15th, 2007

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Panic on the Streets: Banking system under stress

I’m in Europe for a month, making my first trip back since heading to live in NZ nearly 6 years ago. Currently i’m having a lovely time in Southern Spain in a pretty little village called Benahavis.

Watching the UK news is so different: small soundbites, nothing too deep and its making me dizzy. But not as dizzy as those pictures of people queuing up at their local Northern Rock to get all their money out.

They seem so calm about it without quite realising the ramifications of their actions. A run on a major bank in the UK? Who would have thought it could happen in the modern well regulated era.

We have seen finance companies in NZ topple over like dominoes but the general public has taken the view that they were accidents waiting to happen and that people should have taken more care in what they were investing in. But a major financial institution would be a different story.

For money reformers the recent credit crisis was inevitable, a product of the incessant growth in the global money supply. How it will play out is anyone’s guess but there has never been a better time to expose the weakness and corruption at the heart of our money systems.

In the meantime people should check to make sure they do not have to much exposure to any single financial entity. What is amazing to me is how the stock markets have proved so resilient. There is lots of talk about the strength of the underlying economy but the effects of these recent months will take a long time to feed through.

I have a feeling this story has a long way to go.

August 20th, 2007

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Another Day, Another Finance Company Busts

You have to feel sorry for Kiwi investors as another finance company goes bust. Today it’s the turn of Nathans Finance to declare itself out of the game. They used to send me stuff through the mail every month. Who knows how many were seduced by the slightly higher interest rates on offer.

It may sound like i’m enjoying this but i’m not. I wrote several letters to the powers that be well over 3 years ago exhorting them to sort out the non-bank financial sector but to no avail.

Ultimately it’s a case of caveat emptor. Before you invest in anything understand the risks. I am amazed how many financial “advisors” have put their clients into these flaky companies. I use the term advisor loosely here.  I seriously doubt whether many of them actually understand how the products they sell actually work and how to stress test them.

If you want higher yields then invest in a decent fund that buys the whole spectrum of bonds and therefore diversifies the risk. A couple of decent Kiwi funds are Fisher Funds and of course the self styled people’s champion, Gareth Morgan.

Check the fees and check what you are getting. Don’t listen too much to the experts. Learn about it yourself. There really is no free lunch out there except at the City Mission and if you’re down there the chances are you’ve blown your dough already.

It’s your money and your responsibility.


I’m a Londoner who moved to Christchurch, New Zealand in 2002. After studying economics and finance at Manchester University and a couple of years of backpacking, I ended up working in the financial markets in London. I traded the global financial markets on behalf of investment banks for 11 years. I write about the intersection of economic, social and environmental issues . My prime interest is in designing better systems to create a better world. I welcome comments and input.

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