The Necklace: Back in Fashion
Sunday, May 25th, 2008It’s tragic to see South Africa descend back into violence and disharmony. Necklacing, a one time favourite method of killing in the apartheid era, is back in vogue. As economic pressures mount in the townships rage has intensified towards the old maxim of “last in first to get it in the neck”.
The huge wage of immigration from other African states, such as Zimbabwe, has seen tensions rise at the same time that unemployment has risen to almost 4 million. Soldiers are out in the streets and even the prosperous Cape Town has been affected by unrest.
It’s poignant that Mbeki has been propping up Mugabe’s regime of fear which has accelerated the flow of Zimbabweans fleeing the violence and impoverishment in Zimbabwe.
It seems in their efforts to erase colonialism and restore their rightful sovereignty they have developed a high level of tolerance for violence and repression. This is the same story in Burma.
It’s a sad time for South Africa which has made such progress in recent years. One can only hope the Zimbabwe situation is resolved soon and the post-Mugabe rebuilding process can begin.
That should take the pressure off the situation is South Africa as the situation calms.