Torture, Torture Everywhere: Robespierre Lives on
Saturday, May 2nd, 2009In a wonderful case of the pot calling the kettle black, the US stomped its feet at the reprehensible actions of a member fo the Emirates royal family. The torture of a man, which was videoed, has sent US authorities into a high spin cycle of moral wash. It’s a very nasty example of what goes on “over there”. Authoritarian regimes tend to treat people however they feel like it. But somehow its what we have come to expect from certain nations.
The US is taking this very seriously and reportedly holding up several military technology deals whilst the case is looked over. At the same time, Dick Cheney, the Republican Robespierre, is a strong supporter of torture himself, a stand which has cost the US incalcuable harm in terms of foreign relations and standing.
Whilst the new administration has taken a strong stance against torture and has shut down Guantanamo Bay, the US has yet to recover from its actions during the Bush years.In fact this exchange shows that the country is very much split on the issue of torture as a means to and end…if it’s the right thing to do. Never mind that the US has rather lost its mojo when it comes to freedom and liberty and right to a fair trial, it is still yet to recover and find its feet on this issue.
The spreading of democracy and freedom by the sword seems to sounds very much like the spreading of the word of God by the sword. Are they one and the same? Has the US turned to the darkside? The war on terror or war of terror? The zeal of many Americans towards towards justifiable torture creates some interesting historical parallels.
As Brandeis said ” The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.” Essentially “men of zeal” have always justified their actions by proclaiming some form of revelation, enlightenment or spiritual cleansing. The poster boys or high priests (literally) of torture, the Inquisitors, ahowed us the road to God but ultimately were trumped by Robespierre, surely the father of modern terror, in the world of modern state. Perhaps terror was France’s most infamous and underreported export?
As Robespierre put it “This terrible war waged by liberty against tyranny” must surely involve killing many people…who are not on the right side of the ledger…..and on and on……Leopold (The Belgian Genocider), Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot all merrily feasted on the droppings of this freedom lover. Can “virtue and terror” sleep easily with each other. I think not.
It’s good to see the US authorities reacting with dismay and distaste to this story. Only now can they really face up to what has happened over the last 8 years (and let’s face it many years before). But also what is clear is that its a debate that has someway to run as the US pillars freedom, liberty and virture are disinfected by the sunlight.