Posts Tagged ‘money’

April 6th, 2008

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American Monetary Reform Act coming to Washington

Following on from my piece on the AMRA, I’m posting a message from Stephen for all Washington D.C. locals who can attend his meeting below. Spread the word if you cannot.

Dear Friends of the American Monetary Institute

Please take a moment to concentrate on this message, and consider the very particular action it asks of you, to help our nation achieve meaningful change to assure that no “Wild West” banking system ever again despoils our people.

I’m in Washington DC next week, visiting Representatives and Senators offices, with this message:
The Administration is calling for reforms at the Federal Reserve System. Wonderful! The AMI has been studying and calling for such reforms since 1996. Here’s what we’ve learned and condensed into The Monetary Transparency Act, and the American Monetary Act. (at

Thursday evening, April 10th, 6PM to 8 PM, I’m giving a talk on both of these Acts at BUSBOYS & POETS, a well known watering hole, with a popular meeting room. And that brings me to my request of you: Please forward this entire email to your two Senators, and to your Congressman, asking them to send one (or more) of their Aides to my talk. We’ll have materials for them and a message of achievable reform for monetary justice. The email address of your Congressman is at        Your Senators email addresses are at:

Thank you SO MUCH in advance, and PLEASE stay in touch!
Stephen Zarlenga
P.S. Consider also forwarding this email to your entire list.

Place: Busboys and Poets Restaurant (Langston Room)
2021   14th St.   NW,    Washington DC  20009

 Date:  Thursday, April 10, 2008                  Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Late arrivals OK                 Dress: Informal; all are welcome


Reservations not necessary but really appreciated

Call 224-805-2200  or email  [email protected]



March 28th, 2008


It’s All About Money, Cash Money, Cash Money, Who’s Making all the Money

This is in response to Dave’s post on a new wave of financial regulation. It’s a great 5 minute potted history of money to a stunning tune from Prince Charles and the City Beat Band. They rock!

Watch it here

March 12th, 2008

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Man the Pumps: Central Banks run up the white flag

With rumours continuing to circle around main street financial institutions in trouble, the Fed along with other central banks piled in another $200bln worth of liquidity in a vain hope to stem the tide. It certainly worked sparking a massive rally in the US market which was looking very weak indeed.

I wrote 6 weeks ago that the Fed would have no option other than to underwrite the whole financial system. This is exactly what they are doing. The worrying aspect of this approach is that it leads the market to depend on continuing liquidity to provide confidence and prevent what would be happening without intervention, namely a full scale rout with several institutions going under.

This creates extreme moral hazard. Even though many financial institutions have clearly acted irresponsibly and in some cases in other ways, they will not be allowed to fail unless a “deal” is worked out where they will be “acquired” quietly for a nominal sum and so the system stays solidly in place and the illusion is maintained.

F.William Engdahl lays out his thoughts on the origins of this mess. It’s focus is the US over the last 100 years and is interesting to read though he makes some strong accusations about the actions of certain people.  The extent to which small cliques have organised and run the financial system is open to questions but there is no doubt that the US prevailed at Bretton Woods on the strength of pure self-interest.

So what now? Well I would say more of the same. But gravity is a powerful force and its hard to imagine these markets not falling further and more de-leveraging taking place in credit and carry trades. I’ll discuss shortly what a new global currency system might look like because the current one is about to explode.

March 7th, 2008

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Money’s too tight to mention

As the credit crunch continues to spreads its woes my inbox is filling up with offers from NZ banks (all Australian owned by the way) to buy various types of debt with fabulous names:

- Perpetual non-cumulative preference shares

- Perpetual callable sub-ordinated bonds

All offering north of 10%. A no brainer for bank debt surely?

Well yes it is. Let’s face it if the bank goes belly up we’re all stuffed. How much is deposit insurance worth these days? Probably not much. But the reason behind this rush of issuance is more interesting.

Banks have plenty of cash on the books, known to us as our deposits, but recorded as unsecured liabilities in the bank’s balance sheet. Yes we are not really depositors but merely unsecured creditors.

So why do banks need to raise more debt or more to the point equity dressed up as debt? Well their balance sheets are under severe pressure and they need to meet the requirements laid out in Basel II which means they need more equity on the balance sheet in order to lend out all this cash.

This is not good news at all. It means banks are constantly trying to tidy up their financial position which is tenuous at best.

In the US mortgage backed bonds, normally AAA, are trading at their widest against US treasuries since 1986. There is some serious de-leveraging going on even in the most liquid and traditionally safe markets. This is a harbinger of further losses to come. Many players are now starting to realise that the financial system is in structural distress.

Suddenly owning a few dairy cows seems like a sensible investment.

March 3rd, 2008

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National Security: $ on the verge of a nervous breakdown

It reads like a Tom Clancy plotline: The Senate Select Committee On Intelligence gets briefed on the national security implications of a collapse in the $. Suddenly there is a realisation that the US is very exposed not just economically but politically. Those who have read “Debt of Honour” will be familiar with the plot which involves a crashing of the US financial system using a coordinated attack on the $ and the Treasury market. Alas this is now not fiction but real time.

The $ is being abandoned wholesale and the US intelligence service is right to be focusing on what this could mean for national security just as the Pentagon did when they commissioned a report on the security implications of climate change back in 2004.

With Gold heading towards $1000/oz, Oil above $100/bl, the $ in freefall and the financial system in a mess, one could be forgiven for thinking that things couldn’t get much worse. Well stock prices still have plenty of room to fall and probably another 10-15% is about right. Property will continue to sag also.

But the main problem is the US getting the big fat raspberry from the rest of the world. It’s stretched militarily, politically it’s pretty much lost all credibility and now economically its kaputski, as its Russian pals would say.

Who caused this mess? Well according to some it was Sir Alan. No not Alan Sugar of Asmtrad and Spurs fame but Alan Greenspan. This little piece on his actions in 1987 paints an interesting picture.

Let’s hope someone with half a brain is in charge back in Washington otherwise this could get very messy.

February 25th, 2008


Paper $ or Solid Gold?

Tough choice eh…..well not for jewelry lovers. The gold bugs have been enjoying the ride up in the price of gold as well as making fun of Gordon Brown who unloaded a huge brick of the UK gold reserves back in 2001 much to the chagrin of UK taxpayers.

But with the $ swift decline into obscurity the fans of something more solid than the US Treasurer’s signature on a piece of paper are clamoring fro the return of the Gold Standard as a way of preserving the value of paper and controlling the impulse of bankers to keep printing the stuff.

Well yes that does seem to be a problem. I’ve touched on this before when looking at how the Bank of England experienced several runs just after it was formed. Why? Because they printed way more paper than they had in reserves of gold. So gold or no gold, there is nothing to stop authorities or private banks printing paper or more accurately filling up spreadsheets with lots of numbers.

I’m ambivalent on this gold business. Storage issues, never mind the horrendous process of digging the stuff out of the ground, present problems as do the ability to carry it safely but really its a confidence thing.

Readers of this blog should hopefully know by now that money is an artificial construct. We can make it anyway we like. It’s created into existence in some form in order that we can exchange goods, services and labour in an efficient manner.

It is subject to the laws of supply and demand like any other product or service.

William Rees-Mogg makes some interesting points about it here but the reality is still the same gold or no gold. We must control the supply of money. 1:1 exchange for gold is a way to do that but its so last century. Surely we can come up with a smarter way of doing it.

My favoured approach is for a central monetary authority to issue interest free new money into the system directly. that supply of money (the only supply) could be controlled on an annual basis responding to set limits, constraints and changes in demand, population etc.

Goodbye interest, goodbye inflation and goodbye financial markets as we know them.

Gold bugs or not, we have to do something about the current system before it blows up and makes the 1930s depression look like an afternoon tea party.


I’m a Londoner who moved to Christchurch, New Zealand in 2002. After studying economics and finance at Manchester University and a couple of years of backpacking, I ended up working in the financial markets in London. I traded the global financial markets on behalf of investment banks for 11 years. I write about the intersection of economic, social and environmental issues . My prime interest is in designing better systems to create a better world. I welcome comments and input.

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